Sunshine and Daisies
Maria LaFrance

Kit includes:
4 Papers,
3 flowers,
Credits: Sunshine and Daisies - Maria La France
Fonts: Giddy Up, Gigi
Included are;
3 Paper Backgrounds 12 x 12
2 frames
1 Love Card
1 Floral Journal
8 different word art strips
1 Charm (not shown)
1 Back Floral frame
Title: Friends to Treasure
Credits: That's Amore Freebie by Cinzia Loosemore
Fonts: Porcelain
Included are;
3 Paper Backgrounds 12 x 12
2 frames
1 Love Card
1 Floral Journal
8 different word art strips
1 Charm (not shown)
1 Back Floral frame
Title: Erwin, I Love You
Credits: That's Amore Freebie by Cinzia Loosemore
Fonts: Porcelain
PANTY-ROSES and BRIEF-ROSESUnlike overpriced flowers being sold on Valentine's, these won't wilt in a day and we are sure your loved ones would truly enjoy these "eternal roses" because they are cute, unique, naughty yet extremely romantic! :)Panty Roses- available in red, maroon, peach, light pink, white- we use free size cotton bikini type panties- we could accommodate your brand preference- each panty is attached to 25" holland-rose long stems- we also do Kiddie boquets (using kiddie underwear like Disney Princess, Spongebob, etc) as requested by some fab moms and dadsAvailable in1. Single Stem - with gift card & small ribbon P140 each2. Boquets - decorated with lillies,wrapped in floral paper, plastic, with gift card and big ribbon*3s Boquet - P400*6s Boquet - P750*12s Boquet - P1,400*12s Boquet bunch (shorter stem around 12") - P1,200Brief Roses- we reco WHITE or BLUE (navy or medium blue depending on brand) "roses"- sizes usually S - XL- attached to impressive 25" Holland-rose long stems- default underwear brands we use are HANES and BENCH BODY but we could accommodate brand preferenceAvailable in:1. Single Stem - with gift card and small ribbon2. 3s boquet - wrapped in floral paper, with gift card and big ribbonHANES - P320/pcBENCH BODY - P200/pc (WHITE roses only)*other brands available - please inquire*add P15 for boquet arrangement*PRODUCTS FOR PICK-UP IN DILIMAN, QC*WE COULD ARRANGE DELIVERY (WITH CHARGE)*FOR MORE PICTURES AND DETAILS, PLEASE VISIT www.babycakestore.multiply.comor reach us through 0917-323-6785
Sweet Affection Brag Book
Dielle Designs
These 6 darling 4"x6" bragbook pages, made from the Sweet Affections kit.
Got so inspired with the brag book. I was able to make 7 Layouts (yes you heard it right) I really enjoy doing this challenge.
BRAG BOOK #1 : The Day We Unite Us One
Credits: Sweet Affection Brag Book- Dielle Design, Wordart by Rhonna Farrer
Fonts: McBook
Credits: Sweet Affection Brag Book- Dielle Design, Popsicle Stand Alpha-Tracy Collins, Friendship Buttons - Stacey Stehley, Floralidoo by Kim Broedelet, Juicy Strawberry ribbons & tag by Isabella Cyr
BRAG BOOK #3: This Is The MomentCredits: Sweet Affection Brag Book- Dielle Design, Alpha- YJF De Grace
Fonts: HIBO
BRAG BOOK #4: Fun Memories from Dynamic Youth
Credits: Sweet Affection Brag Book- Dielle Design, Cottage Bluff Title Block-Veronica Ponce, Flower Spray, April Free Kit-Rhonna Farrer, Brush:NRJ SandingCredits: Sweet Affection Brag Book- Dielle Design, Just For Fun Alpha
BRAG BOOK #6: An IMAX Experience
Credits: Sweet Affection Brag Book- Dielle Design,Urban Bud Yellow-CRenne
Fonts: Lydian, Jewels
Credits: Sweet Affection Brag Book- Dielle Design, Ribbons - Isabella Cyr, Double Tag Elements, Spring Chicken Folder- JCrowley
Fonts: Janie